Lansinoh 50520 Manual Breast Pump User Manual

Congratulations on your decision to give your baby the best possible start in life by breastfeeding. The multitude of health benefits for both you and your baby are well documented . Although breastmilk is always best, providing breastmilk for your baby when you have to be away isn’t always easy . It requires a special effort, and you should be very proud of your commitment to provide your baby the perfect nutrition for optimal growth and development . Our manual breast pump was designed to be quick and easy for mothers who have to pump occasionally and who appreciate the convenience of a manual pump .
Please take time to read through this manual before you use your Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump for the first time.
Intended Use of Breast Pump
Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump is intended to express and collect the breastmilk of a nursing woman for the purpose of feeding collected breastmilk to a baby . Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump is intended for a single user .
Indications of Breast Pump
Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pumps are indicated to elimination of clinical situations such as milk stasis in the breast, engorgement and mastitis caused by insufficient milk discharge, relieve sore and cracked nipples and to bring out flat or inverted nipples . Also, Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pumps enable mothers to provide breast milk for babies who cannot feed directly at the breast for a variety of reasons, such as latch-on problems, premature or unwell babies .
Contraindication of Breast Pump
There are no known contraindications .
The Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump has been designed specifically with the needs of breastfeeding mothers in mind . This breast pump has two separate phases: Let Down Phase and Expression Phase You can easily switch between the two modes by adjusting the position of the handle on the stem . ComfortFit® breast cushion creates a seal providing reliable suction resulting in comfortable and fast milk flow . The wide neck bottles are interchangeable with the entire Lansinoh® pump range . The pack includes the NaturalWave® slow flow Teat which enables baby to replicate natural sucking actions learned at the breast when drinking expressed breastmilk through a bottle . The pump is easy to assemble, easy to use and easy to clean . Breastfeeding is best . Exclusive breastfeeding is recognised as the best choice for your baby and provides all the nutrients your baby requires for the first 6 months of life . Breastfeeding helps to develop a strong bond between mother and baby and provides numerous long terms benefits for both .

- ComfortFit® Breast Cushion
- Pump Body
- Silicone Diaphragm
- Stem
- Handle
- White Valve
- Bottle
- Bottle Stand/Holder
- Hood/Cap
- Bottle Collar
- Sealing Disk
- Teat
2 Phase Technology
This breast pump has two separate phases, Let Down Phase and Expression Phase . You can easily switch between the two modes by adjusting the position of the handle on the stem .
Let Down Phase
This phase gently stimulates the breast . It is designed to mimic the first phase of a breastfeed (the way a baby feeds at the beginning of a feeding) . It is one of the features that encourages milk let-down and encourages your milk to begin to flow . You can create gentle suction pressure by setting the handle in the first (top) notch in the stem and using quick pulses with the handle .

Expression Phase
This phase allows you to express breastmilk from the breast . Switch to this mode by setting the handle in the second (bottom) notch in the stem . To get the strongest suction fully depress the handle . For less suction strength
Regulatory Compliance

Prior to using your pump for the first time, disassemble it (remove silicone diaphragm and stem, ComfortFit® breast cushion, white valve and separate bottle, cap and sealing disk) .
Cleaning: The breast cushion, bottles, handle and bottle stand may be cleaned in the upper compartment of your dishwasher or hand washed with dish soap and hot water . Do not use solvents or abrasives . Rinse with hot, clean water . The white valve, silicone diaphragm and stem, and the ComfortFit® breast cushion can be washed in the dishwasher; however, we recommend washing them by hand to prevent loss and to extend their life . Completely air-dry all parts on a clean towel or drying rack .
Note: Use caution when cleaning the small white valve . It is important for proper suction . Do not use excessive force and do not clean with a baby bottle brush or a teat brush . Gently wash by hand in hot, soapy water and rinse under hot running water .
Sterilise: To sterilise by boiling: Place all parts in a pan of boiling water, ensuring no air is trapped in any parts, cover the pan with a lid and boil for at least 10 minutes . Keep the pan covered until the equipment is needed . Note: It is essential that you use enough water to keep the parts freely floating while boiling .
To sterilise with chemicals: Make up the solution using tablets or liquid . Submerge all parts in the solution, ensuring no air is trapped in any parts . Leave in the solution for at least 30 minutes . Make up a fresh solution every 24 hours .
To use steam or microwave sterilisers: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions . Ensure all openings are face down in the steriliser . Ensure you wash your hands before removing equipment from the steriliser .
Note: Prior to assembling your Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump ensure that all parts have been cleaned and sterilised as detailed in section 3 of this manual .
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Insert the stem into the silicone diaphragm.
- Place the silicone diaphragm and stem on top of the pump body. Make sure it fits securely around the rim by pressing down with your fingers to ensure a perfect seal.*
- Gently secure the white valve onto the pump from underneath, making sure the white valve is flush with the pump body. It is not necessary to use excess force when applying the white valve. If you find that the white valve is difficult to remove, you have pushed it too far onto the pump body.
- Screw the bottle onto the pump body.
- Align the groove in the handle with the stem and gently press the handle down. Push until you hear it click.*
- Adjust the stem and handle so that the handle fits the first notch of the stem, known as the Let Down Phase.**
- Attach the ComfortFit® breast cushion to the pump body.
- To make the pump completely stable, insert the bottle into the bottle stand.
- When fully assembled, this is what your pump should look like.

*These parts are designed to fit snugly. For easier assembly, just dampen the rim of the silicone diaphragm with water
**This breast pump has two separate phase’s, Let Down Phase and Expression Phase. You can easily switch between the two phases by adjusting the position of the handle on the stem.
- Familiarise yourself with the pump and parts prior to use .
- The most important part of successful pumping is the let-down reflex . This is when your breastmilk begins to flow freely . The following can help this natural reflex occur: A warmed Lansinoh® TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Pad applied to the breast and light, circular movements of the fingertips working from the outside of the breast towards the nipple prior to and/or during a pumping session .
- Try to choose a time to pump when you are not rushed and will not be interrupted . Trying to relax while you are thinking of your baby or looking at a photo of your baby can also be helpful when pumping your breastmilk .
- Overall a pumping session can last about 20-30 minutes but it depends on your body . Remember, successful pumping is a learned art . Early practice sessions may be shorter or longer than stated here and may result in a small amount of breastmilk collected but that does not mean that your body is not making enough milk or that you are doing anything wrong . Milk is produced on a supply and demand basis and pumping your breasts regularly in addition to nursing your baby stimulates and maintains your breastmilk supply .
- If breastfeeding problems occur, consult with your health professional . You may pump one breast while nursing the baby on the other . This allows you to maximise pumping effectiveness using the let-down reflex stimulated by your baby’s suckling .
- Make sure the tunnel of the breast cushion is tilted slightly downward to allow your breastmilk to flow naturally toward the bottle .
Precautions when feeding expressed breastmilk:
- DO NOT MICROWAVE BREASTMILK! Microwaving alters the composition of the milk and may also create “hot spots” in the milk that could burn the infant .
- Always test the temperature of any liquid before feeding your baby .
- Do not let a child take a bottle to bed or self-feed for long periods .
- To prevent possible choking hazard, test strength of the teat by pulling on the bulb portion . Discontinue use if any tear or crack appears .
If possible, wait until your breastmilk supply and breastfeeding schedule are well established . This is normally at least 3-4 weeks after birth, unless advised otherwise by your health professional .
- Wash your hands thoroughly and make sure your breasts are clean .
- Make sure you have sterilised and carefully assembled your pump exactly as described in the sections “How to Clean and Sterilise Your Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump” and “How to Assemble Your Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump .”
- Centre the pump opening over your nipple and gently press it against your breast ensuring that your nipple is centred in the tunnel of the breast cushion . Press the ComfortFit® breast cushion of the pump firmly against your breast; making sure the seal is secure so that no air can escape . You can create a good seal by using your other hand to support your breast from underneath . If your nipple is unable to be centred within the tunnel of the breast cushion without rubbing, you may need the larger size ComfortFit® breast cushion .
- As you gently push down on the pump handle you will feel the suction on your breast . You do not need to depress the handle fully to create a vacuum; only as much as is comfortable .
- You can create gentle suction pressure in preparation for expressing by setting the handle in the first (top) notch of the stem . Confirm that your nipple is moving and squeeze and release the handle until you find your preferred pace .
- To start with the Let Down Phase, set the stem in the top (first) notch of the handle and squeeze the handle . Your breastmilk will soon start flowing even though you may not use all the suction the pump can generate .
- Once breastmilk is flowing (1 2 minutes) change to the Expression Phase . To switch to Expression Phase, gently press the “PUSH” part at the tip of the handle to set the handle to the second (bottom) notch of the stem . Continue to squeeze and release the handle to find the appropriate suction pressure .
If the suction pressure feels weak when expressing your breastmilk, squeeze the handle all the way . The suction pressure changes based on how hard you squeeze the handle . Expressing in comfort is more important than setting a strong suction pressure . Please express milk at a suction pressure that feels appropriate for you .
To return to the Let Down Phase from the Expression Phase, (1) Pull the tip of the stem towards you, (2) gently squeeze the handle, and set it in the first (top) notch.
Warning: Do not continue pumping for more than five minutes at a time if no result is achieved . Try expressing at another time during the day . Please remember: Should pumping become very painful or uncomfortable, you should stop using the pump and consult with your health professional .
Warning: Do not turn the pump upside down after pumping .
Breastmilk Storage and Thawing Guidelines for Healthy Term Babies Check with your healthcare professional or an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant for specific storage instructions . When freezing breastmilk, store in the back of the freezer . Do not store breastmilk in the freezer door as the temperature can fluctuate when the door is opened and closed .
Before storing, date all breastmilk and use the oldest breastmilk first .

Source: La Leche League International 2017
These breastmilk storage guidelines are a recommendation . Contact your health professional or consult your country’s national guidelines for further information .
Thawing Breastmilk
Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator or place the containers under cool running water, gradually warming the water until the milk is thawed . Thawed milk can be kept in a refrigerator for up to 24 hours .
DO NOT refreeze milk once it is thawed.
Gently swirl thawed milk before feeding to mix the layers that have separated . Breastmilk is not homogenized and the “cream” will rise to the top . Breastmilk can vary in colour and consistency depending upon the time of the day that the milk was expressed, what you have eaten, and the age of the baby at the time of pumping . For further advice, please contact your health care professional .
DO NOT microwave breastmilk! Microwaving alters the composition of the milk . Microwaving also may create “hot spots” in the milk that could burn the infant .
DO NOT thaw breastmilk in hot or boiling water.
Lack of Suction / Decreased Suction
If it feels like the suction has decreased, try the following:
- Make sure that all pump parts have been properly dried and properly assembled .
- Inspect the white valve for a tear or pinhole . This component is critical to achieving proper suction . If necessary, replace the white valve with the spare valve provided with the pump .
- Ensure that the silicone diaphragm and stem is fitted securely to the pump body and a perfect seal is created .
- Ensure that the ComfortFit® Breast Cushion is fitted securely to the pump body and a perfect seal is created .
- If your nipple is unable to be centred within the tunnel of the flange without rubbing, you may need a larger size ComfortFit® Breast Cushion .
No Breastmilk Expressed If it feels like the suction has decreased, try the following:
- Make sure that all pump parts have been properly dried and properly assembled .
- Inspect the white valve for a tear or pinhole . This component is critical to achieving proper suction . If necessary, replace the white valve with the spare valve provided with the pump .
- Ensure that the silicone diaphragm and stem is fitted securely to the pump body and a perfect seal is created .
- Ensure that the ComfortFit® Breast Cushion is fitted securely to the pump body and a perfect seal is created .
Pain When Pumping If you are experiencing pain when expressing breastmilk, try the following:
- You may be pumping too hard . It may not be necessary to use all of the suction that the pump can generate . Try depressing the handle half way and remember the 2-3 second suggested rhythm .
- You may need a larger or smaller breast cushion . To order replacement parts or larger size breast cushions please call +(0)113 259 1425 or visit for details in the UK . You can also contact your country distributor .
This NaturalWave® Peristaltic Teat is specially designed to:
- Helps maintain established breast feeding patterns .
- Switch easily from breast to bottle and back again .
- Encourages baby’s `wave-like’ tongue movement
- Promotes instinctive sucking action for natural oral development .

The NaturalWave® Peristaltic Teat was designed and is clinically proven to encourage this natural feeding pattern.
- Teat Tip: Baby controls milk flow .
- Soft 100% Silicone: Stretches and flexes for optimal compression .
- Inner vertical ridges: Strengthen teat structure, making it collapse-resistant .
- Unique gradual slope design: Enables smooth peristaltic tongue movement .
- Wide, texture teat base: For easy latch on and effective suction .
- AVSTM: Reduces intake of air, a potential cause of colic .

One piece, hassle-free design teat available in slow, medium and fast flows.
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of baby’s life . Breastfeeding and breastmilk production should be firmly established before introducing a bottle and teat .
Instructions for Use: Fill with the required amount of liquid and tighten the screw cap . Heating in a microwave is not recommended . If you choose to heat food in the microwave, do not seal the bottle . Remove teat, collar and cap when using in the microwave . Shake well before use and always check temperature before offering to baby . Unevenly heated food may burn baby’s mouth . Do not microwave human milk as microwaving alters the composition of the milk . Before first use, clean the product . To ensure product hygiene, put the teat and the bottle with all its components in boiling water for 5 minutes before use . When carrying a full bottle, make sure it is closed with the cap in place, taking care to position the teat in the centre of the cap to activate the “spill-proof” function of the product .
Cleaning: Before initial use, place the product in boiling water for 5 minutes, allow to cool, and thoroughly rinse all bottle components . This is to ensure hygiene . Subsequently, the bottle can also be washed in the upper rack of a dishwasher and can be sterilised (open) both in the microwave and using a special sterilising machine . Always wash all components of the product immediately after each use . Wash in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly . Clean before each use .

Assembly: Once thoroughly dry, insert feeding teat through the top of the screw cap collar . Attach the screw cap collar securely onto the bottle neck .
Precautions: When not in use, store in a dry and covered place . Always use this product with adult supervision . Do not clean, store or allow to come into contact with solvents or harsh chemicals . Damage could result . Do not leave the product in direct sunlight or heat or leave in disinfectant (“sterilising solution”) for longer than recommended . Do not warm the liquid by placing the cup directly onto gas into the top of or electric rings, warming plates, in electric ovens etc .
For you child’s safety and health WARNING!
Always use this product with adult supervision . Never use feeding teats as a soother . Continuous and prolonged sucking of fluids will cause tooth decay . Always check food temperature before feeding . Keep all components not in use out of reach of children . Do not leave the baby alone with drinking equipment due to risk of choking, the baby falling over or if the product has disassembled .
This product is a medical device and should be disposed as a medical product according to the local procedures and regulations.
Serious events experienced from using this product should be reported immediately to Lansinoh Laboratories and to the local competent Authority .
WARNING: Tooth decay in young children can occur even when non-sweetened fluids are used . This can occur if the baby is allowed to use the bottle/cup for long periods through the day and particularly during the night, when saliva flow is reduced or it used as a soother . Do not leave the teat in direct sunlight or heat, or leave in disinfectant (“sterilising solution”) for longer than recommended, as this may weaken the teat . Inspect before each use . Throw away at the first sign of damage or weakens . Replace the teat every 7 weeks, for safety and hygiene reasons . Pull the feeding teat in all directions to check the product .
ATTENTION: Some juices are sterile and solutions may make the silicone become opaque . This does not modify any of the properties . Do not microwave human milk as microwaving alters the composition of the milk . Heating in a microwave oven may produce localised high temperatures . Take extra care when microwave heating . Always stir heated food to ensure even heat distribution and test the temperature before serving .
WARNING: Packaging materials are not part of the product . For your child’s safety, please remove and discard all packaging materials prior to use but read and retain the instructions for future reference .
Leave open in the microwave .

10. FAQ
What makes the Lansinoh® Manual Pump different from other manual pumps?
The Lansinoh® Manual Pump has the Easy-Express handle that reduces hand fatigue, 2-mode pumping ability, as well as the ComfortFit® flange, that creates a cushioned barrier against mom’s skin. This Manual pump provides an overall comfortable pumping experience.
Where can the Manual Pump be purchased?
The Manual Pump is currently available through a wide variety of both e-commerce and store retailers including and Target/, Walmart/, and
Can the Manual Pump be used with bottles other than Lansinoh® brand?
The Manual Pump is designed specifically for Lansinoh® brand bottles and will not fit with bottles from other brands.
Is the Manual breast pump dishwasher safe?
Yes, portions of the Manual Pump may be washed in the dishwasher. The breast flange, bottle, handle, and bottle stand may be cleaned on the top rack of the dishwasher or hand washed with dish soap and hot water. The white valve, silicone diaphragm, stem, and the ComfortFit® flange may be washed in the dishwasher; however, it is recommended to wash these parts by hand to prevent loss and to extend their usefulness. Completely air-dry all parts on a clean towel or drying rack prior to assembly or use.
Can the Manual Breast Pump and accessories be sanitized in boiling water?
Yes, it is recommended to sanitize the pump prior to first use, and regularly as needed during usage. The manual pump can be sanitized by disassembling and boiling all parts in water for five minutes. Please be sure that there is ample water in the pot, so that no parts of the pump or accessories touch the bottom or the sides of the pot, as this could cause them to melt. Remove all parts from the water immediately after boiling. Completely air dry before assembly or next use.
Is the Manual Breast Pump BPA-free?
Yes, the Manual Breast Pump and accessories are BPA and BPS free.
What is the suction strength of the Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump?
The Manual Breast Pump is designed not to exceed 250mmHg.

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Lansinoh®, NaturalWave®, and ComfortFit® are registered trademarks of Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc.
© 2021 Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Turkey.
DE50555-50552-50558IF0721 Date of Issue of the Instructions for Use: 09/07/2021
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Lansinoh 50520 Manual Breast Pump User Manual PDF Download