SUPREMA Airfob Patch Mobile to RF Card
Converter User Manual
Suprema Airfob Patch is an award-winning, innovative device that attaches to existing RF card readers to make them compatible with credentials stored in mobile device.
- Airfob Patch converts Mobile Access Card’s Bluetooth signal to RF card signal.
- Airfob Patch works without battery, harvesting energy from RF field signals transmitted from the card reader.
- A retrofit patch-on device, Airfob Patch is quick and easy to install SUPREMA Airfob Patch Mobile to RF Card.
Translator of BLE to RF signal
- Enables communication between card readers and Mobile Access Cards by translating Bluetooth signal to RF card signal
- Compatible with both Android and iOS Mobile Access Cards
Power without battery
- Charges itself by harvesting energy from the RF field signals transmitted from the card reader
Easy installation
- Adhesive-backed patch-on device easily applicable to existing RF card readers
- No wiring or construction needed SUPREMA Airfob Patch Mobile to RF Card
System Configurations
SUPREMA Airfob Patch Mobile to RF Card Apply to Everywhere RF Card is Used
Suprema Inc.
17F Parkview Tower, 248, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13554, Republic of Korea
T +82 31 783 4502 E [email protected]

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